Poster session

For the first time Jurix 2013 hosted a poster session with amazing presentations.


20131213_144244-liv2 Legal Conflict Detection in Interacting Legal Systems
Tingting Li, Tina Balke, Marina De Vos, Julian PADGET and Ken SATOH, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Bath, UK, Centre for Research in Social Simulation, University of Surrey, UK,Principles of Informatics Res. Division, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
20131213_144326-Latifa From Oral Hearing to Opinion in The U.S. Supreme Court
Latifa Al-Abdulkarim and Katie Atkinson and Trevor Bench-Capon, Department of Computer Science, University of Liverpool, UK
20131213_144335-Silenov2 Addressing argumentation puzzles with model-based diagnosis (extended abstract) – Award for the best poster!
Giovanni Sileno, Alexander Boer and Tom Van Engers, Leibniz Center for Law, University of Amsterdam
20131213_144318-Palmirani Legal Rules Modelling Meets the Web
Monica Palmirani, Luca Cervone and Octavian Bujor, CIRSFID, University of Bologna
20131213_144349-Costantini2 #Unfair #Law: Folksonomies & Law between Openness and Knowledge
Federico Costantini, Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche, Università degli Studi di Udine
20131213_144256-Guido Network Analysis to Support Navigation and Use of Ever-Changing Legislation
Guido Boella, Luigi di Caro, Livio Robaldo and Andrea Violat, Department of Computer Science, University of Turin and Nomotika s.r.l.
20131213_144341-Leora Automated Methods for Extracting and Expanding Lists in Regulatory Text
Alan Buabuchachart, Nina Charness, CHARNESS, Katherine Metcalf, and Leora Morgenstern
20131213_144309-John Social Media Policy and Non-Profit Organization: Exploring the Legal Ramifications of ‘Being Social’
Naomi Augara, Nussen Ainswortha, Marta Poblet and John Zeleznikow, Victoria University, Melbourne Australia and RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia

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